About Us
Lacombe Evangelical Free Church has worshiped in and served the community since 1939.
A Short History of Lacombe Evangelical Free Church
When Ken (a jeweler) and Verna Jardine moved to Lacombe in 1939, they felt the need for a local evangelical gospel witness. They, with others, started to meet for evening services and Bible studies in the former Oddfellows Hall (upstairs above what is now H&R Block on 50 Street). Mr. Jardine, along with guest speakers, led the work.
Gospel Outreach 1939 to 1942
1944 to 1964
First Church Service
As the fellowship grew, they moved to a building where Leto’s Restaurant is now located. Reverend Bob Simpson from Ontario was called to be the Pastor. The first official church service was held during a terrible blizzard on November 15, 1942. There were only 8 people present.
Soon, the growing congregation felt the need to have its own building. Ken Jardine purchased the building, now housing ‘The Fishers of Men Food and Clothing Bank’ for $200. Enthusiastic volunteers turned the old chop mill into a Church named “Calvary Tabernacle” – affiliated with Fellowship of Gospel Churches.
First Church Service
As the fellowship grew, they moved to a building where Leto’s Restaurant is now located. Reverend Bob Simpson from Ontario was called to be the Pastor. The first official church service was held during a terrible blizzard on November 15, 1942. There were only 8 people present.
Soon, the growing congregation felt the need to have its own building. Ken Jardine purchased the building, later housing ‘The Fishers of Men Food and Clothing Bank’ for $200. Enthusiastic volunteers turned the old chop mill into a Church named “Calvary Tabernacle” – affiliated with Fellowship of Gospel Churches.
1944 – 1964
This church group held branch Sunday Schools in the districts of Iowalta, Meadowbrook, Dakota, Pleasant Hills, Satinwood and Wolfville during the years. Volunteers often picked up children for Sunday School.
In 1956, the Fellowship of Gospel Churches affiliated with the Evangelical Free Church of America. The Lacombe congregation voted to join and its name was changed to “Calvary Evangelical Free Church”. After several renovations and additions, Pastor John Martens and congregation decided a new and larger building was necessary. This is the present building, erected in 1964, on C&E Trail.
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This church group held branch Sunday Schools in the districts of Iowalta, Meadowbrook, Dakota, Pleasant Hills, Satinwood and Wolfville during the years. Volunteers often picked up children for Sunday School.
In 1956, the Fellowship of Gospel Churches affiliated with the Evangelical Free Church of America. The Lacombe congregation voted to join and its name was changed to “Calvary Evangelical Free Church”. After several renovations and additions, Pastor John Martens and congregation decided a new and larger building was necessary. This is the present building, erected in 1964, on C&E Trail.
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