Remembering the Unforgettable

by | May 1, 2022

(Audio) Remembering the Unforgettable

by Dan Berger

S E R M O N   O U T L I N E  –  R E M E M B E R I N G  T H E  U N F O R G E T T A B L E

The BREAD which symbolizes Jesus’ body reminds us of the unforgettable…

  • The bread reminds us that Jesus identified with us.
  • The bread reminds us that Jesus suffered for us.
  • The bread reminds us that Jesus loves us.

The CUP which symbolizes Jesus’ blood reminds us of the unforgettable…

  • The cup reminds us that God is holy.
  • The cup reminds us that Jesus Christ is righteous.
  • The cup reminds us that Jesus Christ will return.